I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain

video still
single channel video, sound
2 mins 7 secs

project description:

The series of work from I make trash, mountain is about my experience visiting the landfill and resource recovery center where UCLA’s trash is dumped. I was interested in how the garbage was transformed into a mountain, hidden behind hills, and how the visual remnants of what we consume reflect how our personal lives intersect with science, technology, and the public system.

I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain

installation view
single channel video, sound
2 mins 7 secs

I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain

Handmade paper, bubble wrap, plastic bag, rice paper, plastic net, string, eucalyptus ink, pins, nails, artist tape, casein, and wood
70 x 53 x 1 ¼ inches


Eucalyptus pulp, reflective film, bubble wrap, dirt, L-nail
22 x 23 ¾ x 1 inches

Eucalyptus trees are not native to the US. The Australians introduced the trees to Los Angeles during the Gold Rush. Because they are fast-growing trees, they were planted in masses for wood production and pulp, often replacing the native landscape in places like India. With this piece, I wanted to explore the layered meaning of the words “natural” and “native” and how natural debris can also be deemed “toxic.”


Eucalyptus pulp, plastic bag, paper clip, push pin
19 x 17 x 4 inches

I make trash, mountain

Single channel video installation, sound
2 mins 7 secs

I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain
I make trash, mountain

video still
single channel video, sound
2 mins 7 secs

project description:

The series of work from I make trash, mountain is about my experience visiting the landfill and resource recovery center where UCLA’s trash is dumped. I was interested in how the garbage was transformed into a mountain, hidden behind hills, and how the visual remnants of what we consume reflect how our personal lives intersect with science, technology, and the public system.

I make trash, mountain

installation view
single channel video, sound
2 mins 7 secs

I make trash, mountain

Handmade paper, bubble wrap, plastic bag, rice paper, plastic net, string, eucalyptus ink, pins, nails, artist tape, casein, and wood
70 x 53 x 1 ¼ inches


Eucalyptus pulp, reflective film, bubble wrap, dirt, L-nail
22 x 23 ¾ x 1 inches

Eucalyptus trees are not native to the US. The Australians introduced the trees to Los Angeles during the Gold Rush. Because they are fast-growing trees, they were planted in masses for wood production and pulp, often replacing the native landscape in places like India. With this piece, I wanted to explore the layered meaning of the words “natural” and “native” and how natural debris can also be deemed “toxic.”


Eucalyptus pulp, plastic bag, paper clip, push pin
19 x 17 x 4 inches

I make trash, mountain

Single channel video installation, sound
2 mins 7 secs

show thumbnails