Installation view
Multiple video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary
project description:
Curtain, Multitasker is about consumer anxiety — the effort to waste less and do the least harm. Like taking a shower fully clothed to clean the body and the clothes at the same time, or making curtains using consumer byproducts such as packaging materials.

Installation view
Multi video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary

Installation view
Multi video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary

Installation documentation video
Multi video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary

![Curtain, Multitasker [documentation video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e08fee90f68875f9a02c1ff/1580093793014-91VEQDSJAADUG9TSIMG6/image-asset.jpeg)
Installation view
Multiple video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary
project description:
Curtain, Multitasker is about consumer anxiety — the effort to waste less and do the least harm. Like taking a shower fully clothed to clean the body and the clothes at the same time, or making curtains using consumer byproducts such as packaging materials.
Installation view
Multi video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary
Installation view
Multi video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary
Installation documentation video
Multi video projections, debris, sound
Dimensions vary