Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness

Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

project description:

Damages, Mindfulness is about feeling helpless. Much of what we experience is through what we watch on screens, a digital version of an event such as the garbage island floating in the Pacific Ocean.

Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness

2019 Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness

2019 Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

Damages, Mindfulness

Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness
Damages, Mindfulness

Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

project description:

Damages, Mindfulness is about feeling helpless. Much of what we experience is through what we watch on screens, a digital version of an event such as the garbage island floating in the Pacific Ocean.

Damages, Mindfulness

2019 Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

Damages, Mindfulness

2019 Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

Damages, Mindfulness

Video still [work in progress]
Single channel video installation, sound
1 min 41 secs, excerpt

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